
Shop-floor personnel know well the challenges of maintaining a distributed control system (DCS), 尤其是一个已经存在了30多年的公司. They also know, change is inevitable in today’s digital-first working world. 过时的DCS是不可持续的. 规划 a DCS upgrade or migration is essential for taking advantage of new digital technologies and capabilities, 比如高级数据分析, 人工智能(AI), 机器学习, 云计算, 还有更多.

尽管有好处, complex projects such as a migration usually carry significant risk, 这可能会阻碍这些计划的发展. 帮助您降低风险, we have compiled four tips from our industry thought leaders to ensure your DCS upgrade or migration project moves forward without compromising safety or compliance.

1. 分析DCS组件

你是指挥,你的指挥系统就是管弦乐队. Each individual instrument or part is a separate component of the overall system, yet when working together they combine to create beautiful symphonies within your plant or factory. Analyzing how your current DCS interfaces with different parts of your business is critical to a successful upgrade or migration process.

Consider the role of the control system’s components and identify the impact they will have on the system when changes are made to a particular part. Although it is sometimes tempting to make changes without thoroughly understanding the current state, 这可能会导致以后的问题. 为了快速跟上这个过程, enlist help from a third-party system integrator – one who takes a holistic approach to DCS迁移s, offering invaluable expertise and experience in operational technology for a seamless transition.

2. 制定风险评估计划

An experienced head coach preparing for a championship game knows the importance of providing their team with an extensive game plan. 我们要怎么做才能赢? 我们能期待什么呢?? How does our currently constructed roster stack up against our opposition? 举起成功迁移或升级的奖杯, you must get through the resistance or risks associated with the process. A risk assessment plan helps ensure a smooth and successful DCS迁移 with minimal disruption to operations.

在为迁移创建风险评估计划之前, 识别是很重要的, analyze and assess any potential risks to reduce their impact on the project, 包括硬件和软件之间的兼容性问题, 操作中断或停机, 或安装或配置过程中出现的错误. 另外, 请记住,范围在变化, schedule and budget are all inherent risks in a project of this magnitude — unexpected problems during the process can lead to drastic outcomes beyond expectations and result in unforeseen costs.

A risk assessment plan includes specific strategies to reduce or eliminate each risk. 你的计划应该包括对新系统的全面审查, 识别风险及其影响, 最小化这些风险的实施计划, 以及万一出现问题时的应急计划. The plan should also include regular reviews to ensure that the upgrade or migration meets overall company objectives and is executed as planned.

Doing your due diligence and creating a risk assessment plan upfront will likely save you big headaches down the road.

3. 确保数据安全和合规标准

Just like we feel secure in using new technology to connect and network with other people from our personal devices, 我们希望新的DCS具有同样的连接性和安全性. Reaping the benefits of modern DCS capabilities is a high priority despite the idea of a chaotic upgrade or migration, but what’s also important is maintaining a secure connection between existing and new systems. This proper precaution will ensure data security and compliance while protecting your precious data during the processing cycle.

保持对数据完整性的警惕, 采用数据加密等措施, 身份验证协议, 审计工具和网络安全解决方案. 威胁和坏人到处都是. 随着植物变得更加相互联系和依赖网络, 脆弱性增加,风险堆积. Assessing and mitigating risk upfront for your legacy equipment and open systems can benefit you tremendously in the long run.

Being aware of network traffic levels can help identify potential data breach risks. Organizations can protect sensitive data from potential threats by paying attention to data security and compliance at every step along the data collection process.

4. 找到一个值得信赖的集成商来帮助导航变化

归根结底,每个超级英雄都需要一个团队. Investing in a third-party systems integrator can be an immensely beneficial decision, 不管项目有多复杂. A systems integrator brings extensive technical knowledge and experience working on multiple migration projects to the table and can help augment internal resources. 利用他们的专业知识有助于简化迁移过程, ensuring higher satisfaction from users after its implementation and resulting in a successful project overall.

升级或迁移到新的DCS从来都不是一件容易的事. Understanding and analyzing the existing system and services is essential for a smooth transition. You must devise and execute a risk assessment plan to minimize any potential risks of the upgrade or migration. Furthermore, data security and compliance standards must be considered before beginning the process. Professionals should be consulted for assistance and guidance throughout the process where needed. 对运营的干扰最小, companies can move toward optimized control systems that allow plant personnel to focus on more business-critical activities like innovation and growth.

最终, these plans make workflow more efficient while allowing users access to the latest data without worrying about manual update processes, 经常导致错误.

访问我们的 DCS迁移 page for more tips and other information to help you along your digital transformation journey!